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Obey_Beast_Jj_23 Obey_Beast_Jj_23over 3 years ago
7872 1

Hey all!

As you may know, the forum and website as a whole have been going under some major upgrades, adding in systems like the bans page, the ticket system, and more!

We also made some big changes to the style, and are now using a different banner image, and a full Premium (Paid) Template for the website.

Hope this makes using our services a bit easier!

Best regards,
- Obey

Obey_Beast_Jj_23 Obey_Beast_Jj_23over 4 years ago
8414 1

Hey all!

You may see that we now have a beautiful new website for you to use, it will be the home of the majority of our information (large news posts, rules, applications, etc.)

Feel free to leave your thoughts for us to see, we want to know how we can now improve this new platform!